Prior to 1824, Guanacaste was part of Nicaragua. Due to the many active civil wars in Nicaragua at that time, the residents
of Guanacaste wanted to be annexed to Costa Rica. The Central American
Federation said yes to their request, and Guanacaste was annexed to Costa
Rica. The people of Guanacaste take great pride in being part of Costa Rica. Their
annexation by choice is celebrated for its core values of democracy each year
with a nationwide holiday. The celebration is huge, especially in our Guanacaste
province. All banks, schools, post offices and government offices as well as other
commercial centers close for this holiday celebration. Annually on July 25th,
all of Costa Rica celebrates Guanacaste Day.
The celebrations include parades, folk dances, music,
showing cattle and other activities. Rodeos are also typical of the holiday
celebration. However these rodeos are not like the bullfights in Spain...Tico style of
bullfighting does not include killing the bull. It is about young men teasing
the bull or cow without any weapons, just having fun and for the sport.
Similar to festivals around the world the streets are
filled with vendors of local handicrafts and local foods. Concerts, fireworks and
folk dances are also part of the celebrations. The most popular dances
are Caballito Nicoyano and the Punto Guanacasteco, old historical
folk dances. The festivities include the local children and most of
the parades are children dressed in costumes and masks,
having much fun. The music includes the playing of Costa Rica's national
instrument, the marimba.
Interested in participating in the events? Let us know and we'll be happy to direct you to a local festival nearby!